The 6 Steps to Becoming a Top-Notch Social Media Manager

Looking to become a social media manager?

This gig isn’t just about knowing your Facebook from your Instagram, but about using these platforms to create a bang that’s loud enough to boost brands to stardom.

In this article, we’ll show you how to become a successful social media manager, helping you shape brands’ online presence, captivate audiences, and propel brands to stardom.

Step 1. Understand the Role of a Social Media Manager

A social media manager is the wizard behind the screen, shaping the online presence of brands and businesses. 

They harness the power of each social media platform to captivate audiences, drive engagement, and boost brand awareness.

But being a social media specialist is more than posting pretty pictures or catchy hashtags.

Thoughtful social media managers carefully curate social content, strategize campaigns, monitor trends, engage with followers, and analyze data to fuel future growth. 

They are storytellers, analysts, creative visionaries, and brand advocates, rolled into one.

From designing eye-catching visuals to writing compelling captions, they do it all.

Step 2. Develop Essential Skills for Social Media Management

Just like any profession, becoming an expert social media manager requires a unique set of skills. Here’s a practical roadmap to acquire these skills:

Master the Art of Writing and Storytelling

As a social media manager, your primary focus is to captivate your audience with the right message. 

To do this well, start by developing your writing skills and learning to craft compelling narratives, use persuasive language, and say what you have to say within the limited character space of a social media platform. 

In other words, embrace storytelling techniques that evoke emotions and create a strong connection with your audience.

Expertise in Social Media Platforms and Tools

Each social platform has its unique features and target audience.

So expand your knowledge by familiarizing yourself with the latest social media trends, algorithms, and best practices on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and emerging platforms. 

Additionally, you will want to explore specialized tools such as Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social, which streamline scheduling, analytics, and audience management. Stay updated with platform updates and new features to leverage their full potential.

Create Eye-Catching Visual Content

A picture is worth a thousand words.

That’s why you want to enhance your social media presence by mastering visual content creation. 

Utilize tools like Canva or Adobe Creative Suite to design eye-catching visuals, infographics, and videos that align with your brand’s identity.

Experiment with different formats, such as stories and reels, to engage your audience visually and creatively. Strong visual content can increase brand awareness and stand out in a crowded social media landscape.

Harness the Power of Data-Driven Decision Making

Social media analytics are crucial for assessing the impact of your content and informing your future social media strategy.

So learn how to use platform-specific analytics and third-party tools like Google Analytics to gather insights into audience demographics, engagement metrics, and content performance. 

Analyze the data to identify trends, understand what resonates with your audience, and optimize your strategies accordingly. 

Data-driven decision-making ensures your efforts are aligned with your goals and drive measurable results.

Develop a Consistent and Engaging Brand Voice

A consistent and engaging brand voice builds trust with your audience. 

When you deeply understand your brand’s values, mission, and target audience, you can develop a distinctive brand voice. Then use that understanding to come up with a tone and language that aligns with your brand’s personality and resonates with your audience. 

Consistency in brand voice across all social media platforms creates a cohesive and recognizable presence, reinforcing brand identity and attracting loyal followers.

Stay Adaptable to the Ever-Changing Social Media Landscape

Social media is always changing, with new platforms, trends, and algorithms constantly emerging and fading away. To stay on top of it all, practice being adaptable and open to learning new platforms and marketing techniques.

Embrace a growth mindset and actively seek opportunities to expand your skills. Attend industry events, participate in webinars, and join online communities to stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices. 

Being adaptable ensures you can navigate the dynamic social media landscape with confidence.

With a comprehensive understanding of these skills, you’re now ready to explore professional development opportunities.

Step 3. Enhance Your Expertise through Professional Development

To further enhance your skills and showcase your expertise, consider the following avenues for professional development:

Enroll in Online Courses

Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer a wide range of courses designed specifically for aspiring social media managers. 

Enroll in courses that cover advanced social media strategy, content creation, data analysis, and branding. These courses provide structured learning and valuable insights from industry experts.

Pursue Social Media Marketing Certifications

Pursuing social media marketing certifications adds credibility to your profile.

Reputable certifications include Facebook’s Blueprint Certification, Hootsuite Academy Certification, and the Social Media Strategist Certification offered by the National Institute for Social Media. 

These certifications validate your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to professional growth.

Stay Informed through Webinars and Podcasts

Stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices by attending webinars and listening to podcasts hosted by social media experts. 

Many digital marketing organizations and industry leaders offer webinars and podcasts that cover a wide range of social media topics, including emerging platforms, content strategies, and analytics.

Continuously learning from industry experts ensures you stay ahead of the curve.

And now that we’ve reviewed the necessary knowledge and skills, let’s talk about building your portfolio:

Step 4. Create a Standout Portfolio to Attract Clients and Employers

An impressive portfolio is a powerful asset when it comes to landing clients or job opportunities as a social media manager. Here’s how you can create a portfolio that best showcases your skills:

Build Your Personal Brand

Build your personal brand by establishing a strong online presence. 

Showcase your expertise by actively participating in industry discussions, sharing valuable insights, and consistently posting relevant social media content on your profiles.

Use platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to highlight your skills, achievements, and industry knowledge. Your personal brand serves as a living example of your social media management abilities.

Develop Mock Campaigns

If you don’t have real-world experience, develop fictional social media campaigns and content calendars for various industries.

Demonstrate your creativity and strategic thinking by designing engaging social media posts, crafting compelling captions, and developing cohesive social media campaign strategies.

Use these mock campaigns to showcase your ability to connect with your target audience and achieve social media campaign objectives.

Highlight Relevant Experience

Showcase any relevant experiences or projects related to social media management.

This could include managing social media accounts for personal projects, volunteering for non-profit organizations, or assisting friends and family with their social media presence. 

Highlight specific accomplishments, such as increasing engagement, growing followers, or driving website traffic. Provide quantifiable results to demonstrate the impact of your efforts.

Create Detailed Case Studies 

Create detailed case studies of successful campaigns you’ve executed or managed. Include the goals, strategies, implementation tactics, and measurable results achieved.

Use visuals, such as graphs or charts, to showcase the impact of your work. Explain the challenges faced and how you overcame them. 

The case studies demonstrate your ability to develop effective strategies, execute campaigns, and achieve tangible results.

By following these steps, you’ll have a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and experiences as a social media manager.

Step 5. Gain Experience through Internships, Freelance Work, and Volunteering

Before applying for full-time roles, consider gaining additional experience through various avenues:

Seek Internships and Apprenticeships

Seek internships or apprenticeships with digital marketing agencies, start-ups, or established companies.

These opportunities provide structured training, mentorship, and hands-on experience in managing social media accounts, creating content, and executing campaigns. Internships and apprenticeships also allow you to build valuable connections within the industry.

Offer Freelance Services and Side Projects

Offer your services as a social media community manager to small businesses, friends, or family. 

This allows you to gain real-world experience, build your portfolio, and develop relationships with clients. (Who will hopefully become fans and even evangelists on your behalf!)

By working on freelance projects, you’ll encounter different industries, challenges, and target audiences, allowing for diverse learning experiences.

Volunteer for Non-Profit Organizations

Many non-profit organizations rely on volunteers to manage their social media presence.

Offer your assistance to non-profit organizations that align with your interests. Volunteering not only adds valuable experience to your resume but also allows you to make a positive impact and contribute to a cause you believe in. 

This experience demonstrates your commitment to social responsibility and community engagement.

By gaining experience in these areas, you’ll further enhance your skills, broaden your knowledge, and build a solid foundation for a career as a social media community manager.

Step 6. Network, Apply, and Continue Learning & Searching for Job Opportunities

To secure a job as a social media manager, it’s essential to network, apply to job openings, and continue learning:

Network and Engage in Industry Communities

Attend industry events, conferences, and meetups to connect with professionals in the field. Join online communities and engage in discussions to expand your social network.

Building relationships with industry peers, potential employers, or clients can lead to job opportunities or collaborations.

Networking provides insights, mentorship, and support from like-minded professionals.

Apply to Job Openings with Tailored Applications

Polish your resume, craft a compelling cover letter, and tailor your application to each job opening. 

Highlight the skills, experiences, and achievements that are most relevant to the specific role. Showcase your portfolio and case studies to demonstrate your capabilities.

Be proactive in searching for job openings on job boards, company websites, and professional networking platforms.

Embrace Lifelong Learning and Stay Updated

The social media landscape is constantly evolving.

Stay updated with the latest trends, algorithm changes, and emerging platforms. 

Continuously invest in your professional development by taking advanced courses, attending workshops, and participating in webinars.

Follow industry leaders, subscribe to newsletters, and join online communities to stay abreast of the latest developments. Cultivate a growth mindset and embrace lifelong learning to remain competitive in the field.

Now That You Know How to Become a Social Media Manager…

Don’t just settle for being a run-of-the mill social media manager.

Use the tips and strategies above to continually hone your abilities. Deepen your knowledge of social media platforms, of marketing, and of everything related to the company or niche you want to work in.

Let your skills, knowledge, and passion shine, and you’ll always be in demand.